Monday, November 16, 2009

random facts

* I have a twin sister that means the world to me, along with the rest of my family
* I love gum....everyday I tell myself that I need to stop but that only last a day or two
* I have had 2 shoulder surgeries and even after 2 grueling summers of rehab, there is no relief
* I have a godchild that is the cutest thing ever!!
* My parents are my role models
* Went to University of Dayton my freshman year and then transfered to Ohio State
* Love "Brothers and Sisters"
* Hate wearing jeans
* Working on getting into graduate school for education, 2nd grade teacher!
* I drink way too much Diet Coke
* HATE coffee
* Jon and Kate annoy me, Kate in particular
* I listen to my Ipod on the way to class and love to listent o music while sitting on my computer, it a great way to relax

these are just random bullets....Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Ok a few things. You hate wearing jeans?! I didnt know that. NOW JON AND KATE ANNOY YOU?!!? You just had to get me addicted to that show, and now you hate it. (and so do I!)Also, I always totally forget that you have two shoulder surgeries. You are quite the champ and by far win the most surgeries in the family award. Love ya.
