Thursday, November 19, 2009


It is my last beat michigan week here on campus at Ohio State!

here are a few good clips of Ohio State fans... they may start out weird but they aer good youtube videos!!

Tonight is the big jump into Mirror Lake...I did it last year for the first time, this year I do not think I am going to do it, once is enough for me....its pretty crazy tradition that Ohio State has, but with no fail there will be thousands of OSU students running into and around mirror lake tonight!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

random facts

* I have a twin sister that means the world to me, along with the rest of my family
* I love gum....everyday I tell myself that I need to stop but that only last a day or two
* I have had 2 shoulder surgeries and even after 2 grueling summers of rehab, there is no relief
* I have a godchild that is the cutest thing ever!!
* My parents are my role models
* Went to University of Dayton my freshman year and then transfered to Ohio State
* Love "Brothers and Sisters"
* Hate wearing jeans
* Working on getting into graduate school for education, 2nd grade teacher!
* I drink way too much Diet Coke
* HATE coffee
* Jon and Kate annoy me, Kate in particular
* I listen to my Ipod on the way to class and love to listent o music while sitting on my computer, it a great way to relax

these are just random bullets....Happy Monday!

Friday, November 13, 2009


I recently went home to see my little nephew, sister and parents and it was such a great weekend. I love spending time with the little man. He is almost 11 months and every time I go home he is doing something new. He has started to walk and he is catching on fast! He wants you to hold his hands, but if you let go he can do it! He started walking from room to room and I was like wow! He truly is so precious and love his little hands, his chubby arms and his cheeks!! He has an attitude and if he doesn't get what he wants, he likes to scream, but other than that he is the prefect baby! This is the first grandchild for my parents and my mom has fallen in love. She watches his 3 times a week, wishes she could watch him all 5 days, and loves every minute of it! and so does Brady.
this is not the best but there he hard to take a picture when you want to make sure he doesn't fall and hit his head!

Friday night my parents, grandparents and sister went to a fundraiser. It was at my high school and it was called "Dancing with the Catholic Stars" There were 6 men and women who were associated with either the school or the other catholic schools in the area that worked with a dancing partner for 3 weeks. The dances were pretty good. A few were a little slow, but the crowd enjoyed it. It was a different type of fundraiser, but they were really asking for the money! A beer was $5, and ONE raffle ticket was $20. N0t an arms length, but one ticket! It was weird going back to the gym where I spent most of my high schools days and seeing old teachers and parents but with the help of a little wine and my sister, we had a good night!

Then Saturday my sister, little man, and mom decided to go up north to the outlets. Did not turn out to be the best trip in terms of the shopping, but we had some good laughs.

Overall there is nothing like going home, getting away from the college scene and being around the people you love!!